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Changing Faces campaigners are a diverse group of adults from across the UK, united to speak out about living with a visible difference.
Changing Faces campaigners share their experiences and call for change. Current campaigners have spoken with policy makers, addressed MPs, presented in board rooms of big businesses and given interviews across the media.
Their campaigns have raised awareness of what it’s like to live with a visible difference in the UK today, including Visible Hate, Stop the Stare and I Am Not Your Villain.
Volunteer campaigners join a supported two-year programme that helps people to learn new skills, build the confidence to tell their story, create calls to action and share campaign messages. They get:
Every year we recruit a new group of campaigners. Applications for this year’s cohort are now closed, but sign up to our newsletter to be the first to hear when applications will reopen.
“I’m so grateful that my work with Changing Faces has given me the chance to project my views in an impactful way, influencing society for the better.”
Campaigners can get involved in campaigns such as Face Equality Week
“For me, the best part of being a campaigner is the connections I’ve been able to make with others. I’ve been able to spark conversations, raise awareness and help people feel less alone.”
In this video, Bronwen shares why she has loved being a campaigner:
“Becoming a campaigner for Changing Faces is a life-changing experience. Not only do you meet an amazing community of people, but you have the opportunity to shout out about the incredible work Changing Faces do. It’s greatly improved my confidence and had a significant impact on how I show up every day and who I want to be in the world.
“I am so thankful to play a small role in the fundamental work Changing Faces does to improve the lives of those with visible differences. If you’re thinking of applying to become a campaigner, do it!”
“I was absolutely thrilled to become a campaigner for Changing Faces. Being able to spread awareness, educate people and break down barriers surrounding people with visible differences has been amazing.”
Sign up to our newsletter to get information about campaigns, services and other work straight to your inbox.
Learn how to get involved in ongoing and upcoming campaigns including Face Equality Week, Stop The Stare and I Am Not Your Villain.
Read or listen to real stories from people affected by visible difference, their parents and families, as well as Changing Faces staff and volunteers.