Public sector equality duty in schools
A guide to help ensure that your school is fulfilling its legal responsibilities specified under the public sector equality duty.
Education professionals have a key role to play in supporting young people with a visible difference and creating an inclusive environment for all pupils.
More than a million people in the UK have a visible difference – a mark, scar or condition that affects their appearance – including 86,000 children and young people of school age.
Many young people experience physical-appearance discrimination in schools. Sometimes this takes the form of bullying but often it is down to ignorance and unconscious bias.
As teachers and education professionals, you have a key role to play in both supporting children and young people with a visible difference and creating an inclusive learning environment for all pupils.
The tips below provide advice on a wide range of issues including:
We have lots of activities and resources to help you talk about visible difference in your classroom.
Start by watching this video, in which young people with visible differences talk about their experiences of bullying and mistreatment, and how they have coped with it:
These tips will help you make your school a great place to learn, where youngsters feel safe and motivated, where everyone is included and where young people don’t face discrimination based on their physical appearance.
It’s important for you as a teacher to be aware of your own unconscious bias and reflect on your own feelings and ideas about appearance and visible difference:
This video explains how unconscious biases relating to people with visible differences are formed and how they can influence your teaching:
Challenge negative stereotypes of visible difference:
Use matter-of-fact, non-judgemental language:
Make good use of images:
Have a look at this video, I Am Not Your Villain, in which people, including children and young people, with a visible difference explain the damaging effect of using scars, burns or marks as a shorthand for villainy in the film industry:
Understand your responsibilities under the public sector equality duty (PSED):
Our public sector equality duty guide for schools will help to ensure that your school is fulfilling its responsibilities specified by the PSED.
Never patronise:
The most obvious example of physical-appearance discrimination in schools takes the form of bullying. You should address appearance-related bullying as soon as you become aware of it:
Never ask children and young people to get themselves into groups for a lesson or games activity:
Equip children and young people with personal and social tools for the times when they feel vulnerable about the way they look:
Talk to your pupils and students about visible difference to raise awareness and increase their knowledge and understanding.
People with conditions, injuries and illnesses that affect the way they look often face discrimination at school, work and in other areas of their lives.
Media representations significantly influence the way people who look different are perceived and the way their lives are imagined. Our language frames the way we think about things. Journalists, advertisers, politicians, scriptwriters and many others all use words selectively to promote their particular message or to encourage people to see things in a particular way.
The vocabulary we use can either hinder or help a person with a visible difference.
The second version is factual and non-judgemental – and therefore preferable. Imagine using “horrible” to describe someone’s skin colour or race. And yet people sometimes use words like “horrific” and “grotesque” when describing someone’s visible appearance.
By using words with care, you can help reduce negative beliefs about visible difference and enable people who look different to feel a part of society rather than apart from it.
Some people prefer words like “visible difference” or “unusual appearance” when describing the way they look. Instead of using a general term, others prefer to use the name of their condition e.g. vitiligo, cleft, Goldenhar, Moebius, burn scars, eczema.
School staff should work with the child and their parents and discuss with them how they would like their condition or appearance described. It may never come up in the classroom but it’s better to know what to say rather than worrying that you’ve used the wrong term. View our resources designed to help you support pupils with a visible difference.
Here are two videos that you may find helpful. The first contains perspectives from young people with visible differences on what you can do to support them:
The second video offers a perspective from parents of young people with visible differences. In the video, parents talk about the challenges their children have faced at school because of the way other students have reacted to their appearance, and how they have addressed these difficulties:
How children and young people want their appearance described is up to them. However, the term “disfigurement” is used in British law as a “protected characteristic” under the Equality Act 2010. This act protects people with a “severe disfigurement” from discrimination and disadvantage, whether intentional or inadvertent, in school, at work, and in many other social contexts.
A guide to help ensure that your school is fulfilling its legal responsibilities specified under the public sector equality duty.
This guide is designed to help teachers understand the kind of bullying students with visible difference might face and how to tackle it.